Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dear PeiTongians

Dear PeiTongians,

Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation, andI am especially fascinated by the active involvementof tortoises and dinosaurs. Please note that the venueis SportsHall thou... hmmm... :p

Alright, I have just confirmed our healthy lifestyleprogramme via the internet (upgraded from previousphone-in efforts). The details is confirmed asfollows:

Venue: Clementi Sports HallDate: 10 Dec (Sunday)Time: 11am - 1pm

Current Shuttlers:

As a continuation from our pioneer programme, we arestill very focused on developing a healthy lifestyleamong all our members. (Please note that graduationfrom PTPS will constitute a lifetime membership.) Ourobjective is not to identify potential nationalplayers; instead we are striving to inculcate asporting lifestyle for all.

The Sports Committee sincerely hopes that theparticipation rate will be high, so that we cansuccessfully achieve our objective of FISH (Fun,Interaction, Sporting lifestyle and Healthy living).

For those who are still considering or are trying veryhard to cancel other appointments in order toparticipate in our programme, you can still make itfor a last-minute sign-up by replying to this email,or by sms-ing me at 96816659 by saturday 2359hrs.

Tortoises and Dinosaurs, or other species, are welcomeas well. We have special equipment to cater to yourneeds.

As a last note, please do take care of your health, aswe approach an aging population.

Looking forward to seeing all of you this sunday.

Signing off,
The FISHing Shuttler

Monday, December 04, 2006

Thank you

Thank you Mr Shuttler for igniting the spark within us,

I will be tied up in my granny's bday celebration that day afternoon. But if the programme is in the late afternoon, I can still join in as a late comer. :)

Some sharing: After reading the emails below, I have some 'gan3 chu4' deep within me. Really appreciate such strong bonding contact of our class for almost 2 decades. I feel so 'qin4 xing4' in this class. =D For the past 2 decades, friends and relatives around me keep wondering why I can talk so much 'fei hua' and dunno when I am ever serious. Now finally, I know where this influence is from. I not that lonely after all. hahaha...


Thank you for organising Humble Shuttler.

Thank you for organising Humble Shuttler.

I am too fat to move at such high speeds for such an event, but if you do not mind, I will drop by ad-hoc and plunk myself at 1 corner, while attempting to move my arms in a cheering motion...

your mountain tortoise,
Mountain Tortoise

Resumption of Programme

Hi everyone again,
Sorry for the absence these few days, as I have beenbuzy chasing after peacocks for their feathers to makeequipment for our lifestyle programme.

First, to address some concerns raised. A few of ourlifetime platinum members have expressed that theywere unaware of the recent AGM held.

This shows thesuccess of our tight stealth security of our 1-manSports Committee. As such, I would need to call in MrIBM Fong soon for a series of questioning to find outhow he got to know about it.

Miss ChunTian, please do not allow your spirit tolinger around the badminton hall. We might hit youaccidentally. Enjoy your overseas badminton training.It seems like more of us prefer 10th Dec (Sunday).

Hence I shall proceed to carry out talks with therelevant authorities to invade the territory on thisday. I will update you all about the details again.

Current Shuttlers:

It is good to see more and more people stepping infront now, we just need some more to make this event afun and enriching one.

Thank you.

Your Champion Organizer,
The Humble Shuttler

Saturday, December 02, 2006


wow AGM that sounds serious... anyways both dates are fine.

Thanks to Mingde for organising this =)

Shu Ern

Friday, December 01, 2006

I wouldn't

I wouldn't be able to make it for both days cos will be out of town for holiday.

Have a great time, guys.
